Here are the Saltwater Fish & Invertebrates we have in stock as of: 3/06/2025
A wide selection of schooling fish and nano options are in stock including: Banggais, Pajamas, Springeriis, and Red Fire Fish (On sale only $9), Our Randall and Yellow Assessors are still available. Lastly, we have finally got Emerald Crabs in!!! Come stop by and enjoy the movement.
UPDATED : 3/06/2025
Angels |
Anthias |
Assessor |
Basslet |
Blennies |
Butterfly |
Cardinals |
Chromis |
Damsel |
Clownfish Pairs (CB- Sea & Reef) |
Single available Clownfish (CB- Sea & Reef) |
Dotty Back |
Dragonet/Mandarin Gobies |
Filefish |
Gobies |
Hogfish |
Pipefish |
Rabbit Fish |
Tangs |
Wrasses |
Other Fish |
Anemones |
Crabs |
Fan Worms |
Shrimp |
Snails |
Starfish |
Urchin |
Nudibranch |
Macro Algae / Plants |